Artist in Residence Program BEIJING

Artist-in-Residence Programme BEIJING – call for artists

Open call ! Artist-in-residence program 2016 and 2017 in Beijing (China)

We have 5 studios for visual artists’ residencies at the art district of Beijing. Organized by the DCKG, in selected studios the owners of which have signed the contract with the DCKG.

Our aim is to provide international visual artists (incloding art organization/group, filmmaker/s, dancer/s, writer/s, etc.) with affordable rental rates to studio residency program. This program affords a diverse and underserved array of artists the opportunity:
(1) to produce new body of work,
(2) to provide artists with concentrated time to focus on a research project.
For more Information please visit
our website:

Address: Caochangdi Artlier, Chao Yang Qu, Beijing

There are a few points that probably should be clarified here.
Firstly, artists who enquire about our residency are notified of what the rental fee covers, ie., telephone, internet, power, water, etc. and a helpful local team who will introduce them to local galleries, artists, and much much more. Currently more than 90% of the artists on our programme have been granted funding thanks largely to our assistance with their applications.
Beijing certainly has become an international arts hub. It is interesting that this fact is less well know in Australia than it is in the rest of the world. Many people assume that because artists are among the less wealthy section of society in Australia that it is also the case in Beijing. In fact many artists in Beijing eke out a very comfortable living from their work.
Lastly, artist chosen for our programme are definitely not limited to projects which promote Beijing. If you would like more details about our programme or how you could apply for a grant to cover your stay, then please contact us directly.

Short description of programme
DCKG Beijing Residency Programs provide artists, curators, writers and academics with an opportunity to live and work in China.
DCKG Beijing Residency Programs provide an individual support to help you to build your own program, meeting your objectives and your requests while you are living in Beijing.
Discipline(s) and media

Visual arts
Performing arts

One thought on “Artist in Residence Program BEIJING

  1. Is there any deadline to send material for being taken in consideration for a residence. Please let me know more about.


    Mimmo Catania

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